ONA course details.

The ONA in 1 month program includes:

1. a 7-hour course day at our location in Delft

2. 57 hours of self-study/practice hours

3. 4 additional weekly online group coaching sessions of one hour using.

1. The course day / the portfolio

During the mandatory course day, you will receive an explanation of how to complete the 57 hours of self-study and the portfolio will be completed. In the week after this course day, you send the portfolio to the teacher for assessment. If the assessment is positive, you can send the portfolio to DUO. It may take up to 6 weeks before you receive the results.

2. 57 hours of self-study/practice hours

These hours can all be done remotely and individually.

The 57 practical hours are based on the 8 ONA themes.

You create a Personal ONA Plan in which you indicate which themes you want to work on and how many hours per theme. You also indicate when you want each theme to be ready separately. You choose 5 from the 8 ONA themes to complete the 57 hours. You spend a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 hours per theme.

You use activity forms to register your activities. Afterwards, send it to your teacher for assessment.

The ONA themes are:

1. Profession orientation (choosing a profession, diplomas, diploma evaluation, and work experience)

2. Realistic professional image (tasks, circumstances and requirements, orientation day, internship)

3. Knowing your characteristics (characteristics and competences)

4. Finding a job (job search, applying, job interview, career opportunities)

5. Acquire professional competences (course, training, internship, voluntary work)

6. Building a network (expanding and maintaining)

7. Work culture (Dutch work culture, corporate culture)

8. Labour market in general

3. The online coaching sessions

You are supposed to work independently on your 57 practice hours/self-study for four weeks. The four weekly coaching sessions are intended to monitor your progress. During the coaching sessions there is also ample opportunity to ask questions. The ONA instructor will also be available to answer any questions by email.

After you have sent the portfolio to DUO and your activities have been approved by your teacher, and the invoice is settled, DiscoverinDutch will register your 64 hours with DUO. You will then receive the ONA logbook/certificate. After two or three weeks you will receive a message from DUO that your ONA has been completed.