ONA Portfolio & interview

Module A: complete ONA portfolio.

Duration: 2 zoom sessions of 3 hours

Content: fill in 8 result cards of the portfolio. Instructions in English, portfolio in Dutch.

Result: The student has completed his portfolio and sent it to DUO. The student is waiting for a call for the ONA final interview.

Group size: 10 participants

After the course, the portfolio is checked and approved by the teacher for upload to DUO (within one week after the last session at the latest)

The sessions are always recorded and made available to the students for reference.

The student receives a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation used and a list of possible interview questions

The teacher is available during the entire session period for questions and comments from the student

Cost: €295

Module B: Workshop ONA interview

When the language level of the student is A2, or higher, the student can participate in the workshop 'preparation ONA final interview'

Duration: 3 hours

Content: The students practice interactively with the teacher, and among themselves, the possible questions in preparation for the ONA final interview. The language of instruction in Dutch.

Result: The student knows what is expected of him/her, is able to answer the questions in Dutch and knows how to further prepare for the ONA final interview. The student has a clear idea of ​​the questions that can be asked during the ONA final interview.

Group size: 6 participants

The workshop is organized monthly. With more than 6 participants, there may be. more workshops are offered. Participants register for the interview as soon as possible, but no later than one month

Cost: €195

Module C Language Enhancement

If during the course it appears that the Dutch level of the student is not yet sufficient to pass the ONA final interview (A2), we refer him/her to an additional Dutch module.

Language Enhancement

A1 > A2 €630

A1.5 > A2 €315

As soon as level A2 has been achieved, the student can continue with Module 2.